Think Scobe

Mary Louise Roncallo and First Holy Communion

  In second grade, I felt sorry for the poor Protestants who had no idea of

Mary Louise Roncallo

  My first day of school at five years old. I wasn’t nervous. I also wasn’t

The Dating Game: Cheaters’ Edition

  Announcer: Ladies and young ladies and even younger ladies and you red blooded

Death Threats, Racist Rants and Las Vegas

  I am a big fan of Hall-of-Fame baseball player Hank Aaron and I have him

Second Chances

  His name was McKenna and he was without question the best pitcher in the

Only One Babe

The greatest baseball player of all time was Babe Ruth. No one—not Barry Bonds,

Are Today’s Baseball Players Better Than Those of the Past?

  Breathe deeply baseball fans: Today’s baseball players, those who play

You Look Just Like…

  A person says to you, “You look just like” or “Do you know you look just

Ban the Bible!

  My name is Veritas Honesto, PhD. I am the leader of W.A.T.E.R which