Life After Death

What if it were proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that there was a life after death; that our consciousness definitely survives the Grim Reaper? What if this were proven scientifically, with no need for a mythical belief system as is found in most religions or esoteric philosophies?

In the past there have been supposed scientific studies that purport to show that life after death is real. These studies – each and every one I have read – are flawed, often verging on the level of absolute nonsense. Some people have confused “astral travelling” or “out-of-the-body experiences” with proof that there is a soul and that it survives death. That’s way too much of a jump. I wrote an entire section of my book The Virgin Kiss for my out-of-the-body experiences.

One radio-show host was very upset with me when I told him that my out-of-the-body experiences had nothing to do with an afterlife; that I didn’t know what they had to do with, but proof of a soul they were not.

Although, religious folks are sure of an afterlife, they can offer only individual spiritual experiences which are impossible to subject to rigorous study and testing.

So, let’s imagine a time when science proves life after death. This generates more questions than it does answers.

What impact would such news have on the world?

A recent Netflix movie, The Discovery, takes up this idea. A scientist has proven that life after death exists. The result? Massive numbers of suicides of people wanting to go to the “other side.”

Would such a thing happen?

Would more people become less concerned with their individual lives and participate in more dangerous activities, knowing that they cannot be extinguished by death?

Would there be more or fewer wars?

Would more religious cults spring up and revolve around this scientific proof?

What about our furry friends? Our dogs, cats; how about our reptiles—even disgusting insects? What if science proves their existences beyond death?

So what do you think would happen with proof of a life after death?

[Read Frank Scoblete’s Confessions of a Wayward Catholic and The Virgin Kiss. Both available from, on Kindle and other electronic media, at Barnes and Noble, and at bookstores.]


I have become somewhat grumpy as I await my 70th birthday; in fact, my wife sometimes calls me “grumpy grandpa.”

When I was a teacher I was rarely grumpy, especially with students who would take things to heart if a teacher said grumpy things. “Timmy, you and your whole family should be shot into space without oxygen.” Timmy would never forgive me for saying such a nasty thing even if Timmy and his whole family actually should be shot into space – or just shot.

As many of you know when men get older they produce more estrogen, known as the “woman’s hormone,” and that’s why you tend to see older men cry a lot more than younger men who are filled with testosterone, the male hormone. Maybe grumpiness is the product of the increase of estrogen in my body.

Older women on the other hand start to lose estrogen and increase their levels of testosterone. They become more manlike in their behavior and men become more womanlike. So when a woman becomes an “old battleax,” her bite is just as bad as her bark. And many older women do bark a lot.

Okay, yes, I am right now in my grumpy grandpa mood because I have been thinking about a two things that annoy me. These are definitely on a par with structuring an affordable health care plan for all American citizens, stopping terrorists and creating lasting peace in the Middle East.

I hate it when waiters refill your coffee into the cup from which you are drinking. Then the careful work you put in trying to make the coffee palatable is now ruined. What do you do with all this new coffee? Add how much more sugar? Add how much more cream?

Second, I hate to see diners gobbling down bread before their meals. I freely admit that my staggering weight gain is due to an overactive fork. I enjoy the gourmet experience; just look at me now. I used to be a leading man when I was an actor; I was slim, strong, well-built but now I would have to audition for roles such as Jumbo the Elephant.

If you shove loaves of bread down your throat before a gourmet meal, you are satisfying your hunger but you are eating cheap stuff when an artist is working his or her butt off in the kitchen to prepare a delicious meal for you. Then the meal –usually a work of art – and the diner can hardly fit most of it in his or her stomach.

My rule, the grumpy grandpa bread rule, says, “Do not eat bread before a meal.” If you are still hungry after the meal then have some bread.

Okay, I had to get those two issues off my chest. When I am not feeling grumpy I promise to work on the real issues that humankind is facing such as wasting sugar by putting it on pancakes.

[Read Frank’s new book Confessions of a Wayward Catholic! Available from, Kindle and electronic media, Barnes and Noble, and at bookstores.]

The Three Types of Blackjack Players

There are three types of blackjack players and sub-categories of these three. If you are a self-styled blackjack player using your own unique and probably wrong strategy and you are easily offended, you might not want to read this article. That’s my warning to you.

Blackjack players who are card counters, meaning they can get a small edge over the casino when they play, have certain things they look for. They want deep penetration into the deck, decks or shoe. This allows their count to become stronger as the cards have been played.

These players are not as interested in the rules as they are in the penetration (however, they will probably forgo the 6:5 blackjack games). Penetration is the key to the casino treasury. They would also prefer to play alone or with only a couple of players at the table. Advantage players want to play as many hands as possible. They love fast dealers!

Regular basic strategy players (basic strategy being the computer derived play of every player hand against every dealer up-card) want just the opposite. They want good rules, shallow penetration, a full table and slow dealers. The fewer hands such players play the better for them. Old, arthritic dealers or those dealers who love to talk are the best bets for a basic strategy player.

Card counters and basic strategy players are opposite sides of the blackjack coin; the two never to meet in their long-term expectations.

The third type of player, the category of which goes from stupid to stupider to “oh, my god, he did what?” Such players use their own well-thought-out-seemingly-logical strategy which is totally wrong and based merely on their own limited experiences in the casinos. (“I know what I am doing; I have been playing blackjack for years.” “Sorry, no, you don’t. You split 10s, double on 12, and annoy everyone by giving the wrong advice! And there’s a funky odor coming from you.”)

Players who try to use their psychic powers are long-term losers. Players who assume the dealer always has a 10-card in the hole, even though only about 31 percent of the cards are of 10-value, are long term losers. Players who always insure their hands, even their blackjacks, are long-term losers. Players who split fives…players who won’t hit their 16 against a dealer up-card of seven…players who don’t always split aces and eights – the list goes on forever – they are all losers.

Yes, basic strategy players are losers but they are basically losing a mere one-half percent of their action while our third category folks are losing their shirts.

Blackjack is a great game, for card counters and for basic strategy players, but each must play the particular game their strategies are suited for. And that third category? Sadly, there’s no talking to them.

[Read Frank’s new book I Am a Card Counter: Inside the World of Advantage-Play Blackjack! Available from, Kindle and electronic media, Barnes and Noble, and at bookstores.]

I Miss Them

Over 25 years ago I took up casino gambling. At the time, I was an actor (and producer and director and teacher) about to perform a great role the dimensions of which baffled me. I was playing a degenerate craps player although I knew nothing about craps; in fact, I knew nothing about casinos or casino gambling. It was an alien world to me; a landscape I had never walked.

Since I had never been in a casino or played craps, I knew I had these great monologues about my great good fortune on a single night at the tables and I had no idea what the words meant. I would be emoting about – what? What did what I was saying mean?

So my co-star and I decided to go to Atlantic City to discover what this play, The Only Game in Town, was all about. My co-star was the Beautiful AP who would several years later become my wife and for 10 years my playing partner in the world of blackjack advantage play. We’ve been together now for three wonderful decades.

We went to the Claridge where I was lucky to learn everything there was to learn about craps and, by extension, casino gambling from the greatest craps player of all time, the Captain. He took me under his wing and I flew through the casinos from that first night for over 25 years. By the way, I also did a fine job in the play once I understood what I was saying.

The Captain had a Crew of 22 high rollers, men and some women, accomplished in life and joyous in gambling. Yes, almost all of them were losers, many were big losers as they were orange chip players (an orange chip is $1,000 and worth a lot more back then than it is now). The Captain had developed certain techniques of play, including rhythmic rolling (today called dice control or dice influence) and the 5-Count, a method for reducing exposure to the house edge.

I’ve written about all of these ideas in my books, the new one being I Am a Dice Controller: Inside the World of Advantage-Play Craps. The Crew? Except for “the Arm” who was the greatest dice controller I ever saw, and Jimmy P. (and later me and Satch), they just didn’t even notice that the Captain’s trinity were way ahead of the house.

There are now only two of us left of that great Captain’s Crew, Satch and me.

I look back at those times with great nostalgia. I fondly remember the Crew. I’ve written about them in my new book. They were a fun group; a boisterous, east coast, New York, Brooklyn, fun group; in short, a whole other world.

None of today’s dice controllers can match the Arm but the best of today’s group is the great Jerry “Stickman” who writes for I enjoy going to the casinos with him. I wish he had known the Captain, the Arm, Jimmy P. and the Crew; he would have fit right in.

I miss them; I do; I miss them all. They shine bright in my memory.

[Frank Scoblete’s new books are I Am a Dice Controller: Inside the World of Advantage-Play Craps and I Am a Card Counter: Inside the World of Advantage-Play Blackjack. Both available on, kindle, Barnes and Noble, and at bookstores.]

Teaching Grandchildren through Film

I am a firm believer that film can teach important lessons to kids and that’s why my wife, the Beautiful AP, and I love to show movies to our two grandkids, John is 11 and Danielle is nine.

Let me say first that my wife was an extraordinary teacher and I value her insightful expertise on anything to do with educating kids. I am with due modesty one of the greatest teachers who ever lived. So the two of us know what we’re doing.

We show our grandkids movies we think will educate them in the best of all possible ways.

Take the film Heat starring two of our favorite actresses Sandra Bullock and Melissa McCarthy. Even though it was rated a solid “R” our grandkids understood the plot of this movie and seriously loved this flick, as Melissa McCarthy was a boiling comedic swamp of a character that cursed, swore and used all manner of crude language. The sexual innuendos flew fast and furious. The grandkids loved it.

“This is such a funny film,” said Grand AP, my wife.

“Oh, yes,” I said. “I agree completely.”

“John,” asked Grand AP. “What do you think of this film?”

“Well, I find that it has great cursing and vile language. It’s everything my father and mother are preventing me from seeing except I watch stuff on the Internet when I am at my friends’ houses,” John opined.

“I think it’s funny. The fat lady is really funny when she curses,” said the nine-year- old.

I could see that this movie was having a profound effect on them.

“Just do me a favor,” I said to them. “Don’t tell your parents what we’re showing you; they might not understand, okay?”

“You got it,” said John laughing at the latest disgusting quip by McCarthy.

“No problem,” said Danielle. “I like ‘R’ rated movies like this one. Our parents won’t let us watch any of these.”

The Beautiful AP and I smiled; our grandkids were learning an important lesson as we babysat them this night. Film can be fun…and educational.

Of course, John has a habit of not being able to keep a secret while Danielle is like a locked box; you have to pry stuff out of her.

As soon as Greg, our son, and Dawn, our daughter-in-law came home, John rushed over to them. “Dad, Mom, Grandpa Scobe and Grand AP showed us an ‘R’ rated movie! It was great.”

“Really?” said Greg looking at me.

“Danielle did you like the movie?” asked Dawn.

Danielle remained mute. (That’s my girl!)

“What movie did they see?” asked Greg.

“A very educational one,” I said.

“Very educational,” said the Beautiful AP.

“With a lot of cursing,” added John.

I wonder why we haven’t gotten many calls to babysit lately.

[Read Frank Scoblete’s book Confessions of a Wayward Catholic. Available from, kindle, Barnes and Noble, and at bookstores.]

Slots vs. Table Games: No Contest!

Slot machines and table games are two very different things – and the casinos know this quite well. Slot machines are the cash cows of casinos, bringing in often more than twice the money as table games.

It is easy to get a good idea of why such a case holds true. If we take a one-dollar slot of the traditional three reels variety, we can speculate how much money this machine will make for the casino. We can then make a comparison with a table game. Obviously this comparison will be a generalization but it will hold.

Let us say that a slot player puts in three dollars per spin every six seconds, meaning 10 spins per minute. That’s $30 per minute. If the house has an edge of 10 percent, the player can expect to lose $3 per minute over time. In an hour that comes to $180. That’s what the player loses and that’s what the casino makes.

Now let us look at a $10 blackjack player. He plays two hands a minute which comes to $20. The house edge is around one-half percent, meaning he loses 50 cents for every $10 wagered. In a minute he loses one dollar. In 60 minutes he loses $60.

We can see that a one-dollar slot player loses three times more money than a $10 blackjack player.

So why would anyone play those slot machines? Well, first of all, not all slots are of the traditional variety. They come in all sorts of arrangements, from videos of movies, cartoons, television shows and outlandish multi-play machines where you can wager a few pennies all the way up to five or more dollars.

Slots offer the opportunity to hit a big one whereas a game such as blackjack would require a long string of good luck – a really long string – to bring in some big bucks. All slots come in with high house edges and can be played quite fast. The more decisions a game has the better it is for the casino. High house edges and fast speeds are the bane of casino players – and slot players know this quite well.

So if you wanted to open a casino, the crowd you’d want to bring in is undoubtedly a slot-playing crowd. If you check many of the newest casinos, they have table games all right but they are mechanized – they are slot machines!

Slots are more economical for casinos too. Not only do they make far more money but they cost far less to buy and/or rent. Slots don’t need salaries, sick leave, medical insurance, and they don’t get into arguments with players. People are far tougher to handle than machines.

In the contest between slot machines and table games, well, it is actually no contest.

[Read Frank Scoblete’s latest books I am a Dice Controller: Inside the World of Advantage-Play Craps and I am a Card Counter: Inside the World of Advantage-Play Blackjack. Both available from, kindle, Barnes and Noble, and at book stores.]

The Making of a Teacher (1): Mr. Grillo

He sat in the top section of the Brooklyn to Staten Island ferry. We were halfway across the Narrows on our way to Bay Ridge’s 69th street pier. I should add that this particular ferry service no longer exists. When the Verrazano Bridge was completed there was no need for that particular ferry service.

This was my junior year of high school and Mr. Grillo was my social studies teacher.

On this day, a few days before Halloween, Mr. Grillo looked awful. There were dark spots under his eyes and he was quite pale. He looked sick.

“Good morning Mr. Grillo,” I said.

“Good morning Mr. Scoblete,” he said. Mr. Grillo always called his students “mister” followed by their last name.

He looked out at the skyline of Manhattan. His eyes were distant and a little dull.

“Are you okay?” I asked.

“I’m tired,” he said. “I have a long day ahead of me.”

A long day? It was just a regular work day.

“Can I ask you something Mr. Scoblete?”

“Yes, yes, sure,” I said.

“Why do the students hate me? I can’t even get a lesson going and all of a sudden there are spitballs thrown at my back and weird noises when I am not facing the class. Why?”

He was right. When his back was turned as he wrote notes on the board, chaos ensued behind him. Yes, spitballs flew across the room and some hit him and stuck to the back of his suit, and half the class raised their hands in the air with their middle finger prominently displayed.

There were sneezes that only slightly covered the word “fuck” and loads of derisive laughter. You could see the back of Mr. Grillo’s neck getting redder as the chaos behind him increased in intensity. (For your information, this was a Catholic high school— one of the very best in the city!)

Once in a while Mr. Grillo would whip around trying to catch someone doing something, anything, but he never nailed anyone. In fact, the pimply-faced Sullivan, the one I thought of as “Captain Disgusto,” once had the audacity to say, “Mr. Grillo, someone threw a spitball at me.” Sullivan held up the spitball – a dripping spitball he had just taken out of his own mouth.

“Oh, ho, that’s a wet one,” laughed Sullivan’s best buddy, a kid known as black head because of the number of black heads he had on his face.

“You should control the class,” said Jimmy DiResta. “I’m here for an education.” DiResta was a moron of the first order and another of Sullivan’s followers.

Then Mr. Grillo would lose whatever reserves of calm remained and he’d start yelling at everyone and everyone he yelled at snickered and laughed at him.

“Why do they hate me so much?” Mr. Grillo said to me. I thought to myself that Catholic saints all supposedly experience the dark night of the soul. Perhaps that’s why Mr. Grillo looked so sick. He was experiencing the dark night of teaching. I wondered how many other of my teachers went through such a trial.

I tried to analyze Mr. Grillo’s problem. The very first day of class in September, Mr. Grillo had lost the students even before he knew he had lost them.

I came into the room and his back was towards me. That was fine by me. I took what I figured would be an area close to where he would seat me since the teachers tended to seat students in alphabetical order.

Then the mob came in, meaning Sullivan and his gang of eight, but Mr. Grillo did not turn to look at them, instead he wrote his name – Mr. James W. Grillo – on the board. Sullivan did an exaggerated middle finger behind Grillo’s back. His gang roared with laughter and Grillo turned around. “Yo, Mr. Brillo!” someone loudly whispered.

“What is going on here?” Mr. Grillo asked in what I took to be his disciplinary voice.

Sullivan’s gang remained silent but one of them finally said, “It was that kid over there. Balloon Head. He’s a troublemaker,” pointing to Lynch, a top student, the short, big-headed chain smoker whose only friend was me. Lynch’s face pulsed red. He was afraid to speak against Sullivan’s mob.

I wasn’t. Since I had bested Sullivan in a schoolyard fight two years before, he and I had an awkward truce. He left me alone; I left him alone. But on this one, with Lynch about to have a heart attack, I decided to take up his cause.

“Mr. Grill,” I said.

“Grillo, young man,” scolded Mr. Grillo.

“Sorry, Mr. Grillo,” I said. “Lynch here did not make any comments. He’s one of the top students in the school.”

Sullivan’s mob threw me looks. Then Sullivan said, “Naw, Balloon Head didn’t do nothing.”

So that took Lynch off the hook.

“Take seats young men,” said Mr. Grillo.

“But we don’t have assigned seats,” said Sullivan pretending to whine.

“I’ll assign seats when class begins,” said an irritated Mr. Grillo and just then the bell rang. Sullivan’s mob laughed as did most of the rest of the class who had come in during the Lynch episode.

The line had been drawn between students and teacher just like that. Grillo was the enemy and an easy one to torture and get a rise out of. Bringing blood from a teacher was fun and even “good” kids would join in the fun. With a few exceptions, Lynch and me being among them, the class had turned on Grillo. At first, Grillo didn’t have any idea but then he learned the sad news quickly.

What had he done wrong? He allowed the students to get him early by turning his back on them. You never turn your back on sharks, I thought. They are looking to devour you. These kids, none older than 17, had become man eaters and Grillo was their man. They knew they would be going at him before he could even introduce himself. He showed he was uptight from the very beginning. And his disciplinary voice carried no discipline in it.

Students don’t just go to school, they are schools—schools of predators. The Lynches of the world are exceptions. Students are sharks; that truth I had learned early in my student career. Even good kids often can’t resist the temptation of torturing a teacher.

Mr. Grillo awaited my answer. I was looking at Manhattan. I was looking at the water. Under that water might be real sharks. Sharks can smell blood. Students can smell the blood of teachers. Once they smell such blood they will often go after that teacher unmercifully.

“Mr. Grillo,” I ventured. “I don’t know what you did wrong.” I just couldn’t bring myself to tell him the truth.

In the end, it didn’t matter. Mr. Grillo left teaching after Christmas vacation. The sharks had eaten the bloody chum.


[Read Frank Scoblete’s Confessions of a Wayward Catholic! Available from, kindle, Barnes and Noble, and at bookstores,]


Pronounce the “VA” “DOA”

The Veterans Administration should be pronounced dead on arrival.

The VA is a disgrace; it is corrupt and callous, often treating veterans as if they are enemy combatants. The agency is rife with scandal and many of our veterans have died waiting for treatment. The VA is a fetid swamp.

Veterans are American citizens that willingly put themselves in danger to protect the rest of us. In fact, without them there is no us, and no U. S.

The time has come to end the VA, to kill it dead and bury it with other rotted bureaucracies where it will, we hope, be forgotten.

The United States must start over. Here is the Scobe Plan for a fresh beginning in caring for our veterans:

  • Every veteran can go to any doctor he or she chooses. All doctors, nurses and other health care professionals are now members of the new system. A veteran cannot be turned down – ever – for care.
  • Veterans can have a card (much like Medicare and Medicaid) which allows them to receive health care – free (as in free!) in any medical office, clinic or hospital in the country. Think of this as payment for what they have done for all of us.
  • The current veterans’ hospitals should be sold to private concerns and they now become one of the innumerable hospitals serving the general public. They are no longer government institutions. If these former VA hospitals are good in their new roles as private concerns, they survive. If not, they fold. They have to make it on their own.
  • And what of the doctors treating veterans? Should they do it on the cheap? Not at all. They should be given competitive pay. I am not looking for doctors to be short-changed. Those who serve our veterans should be fairly paid.

The Scobe Plan will actually save money. We will no longer be throwing taxpayer money into the cesspool that is the Veterans Administration. Our veterans will get the care they deserve.

There are details that would have to be worked out, including how to make a Veterans Card that could not be counterfeited. I figure this would not take long, if those involved are truly focused on the task at hand.

The time has come to free the veterans from the VD of the VA and the Scobe Plan can make that happen.

[Read Frank’s book Confessions of a Wayward Catholic! Available from, kindle, Barnes and Noble, and at bookstores.]

Mother Nature is Nuts!

Mother Nature is nuts! I hate to offend nature lovers and those whose religious zeal makes them worship earth, known as Gaea, as if it were alive. Sorry, no, you have misplaced your trust. As I just said and repeat, “Mother Nature is nuts!”

As many of my readers know, my wife, the Beautiful AP, and I have become birders. I enjoy going into the wilderness (meaning a local park with cement paths where I can’t get lost) in order to pause in wonder at those beautiful birds, flapping their wings, sitting on branches, mating, hunting and (marvelous!) taking to the air.

Give me a power and it would be the ability to fly. Up there is a whole different world of wind whipping through my wings. Mother Nature’s blind evolution has  worked wonders.  Or has it?

At first glance it might seem so but then you realize the following creatures that are called “birds”: the Ostrich, the Emu, the Cassowary, the Rhea, the Kiwi and the pungent Penguin are all scientifically classified as class: aves; genus: grounded. None of them can fly! What kind of bird is that? Might as well call an elephant a bird since it can’t fly either.

To make matters worse, our distraught Mother Nature has created 900 different species of bats that can fly! What the hell? Scientifically, bats are class: mammals; genus: disgusting rodents. Why allow them to take to the air when those “flightless birds” are wandering around on the ground?

I am disappointed. Birds should not be allowed not to fly; it is a sin of immense proportions. Do you hear that, Mother Nature?

But, sadly, flightless birds aren’t Mother Nature’s only screw-up. Take whales and dolphins and porpoises; they are mammals that never leave the water. Class: mammals; genus: wet. What the hell?

This has caused me distress in front of my grandchildren.

“And the biggest animal in the world is the blue whale. No animal ever was this big. It lives in the ocean.” I said to my lovely granddaughter.

“In the ocean?” she asked, puzzled.

“Yes, it lives in the ocean,” I repeated.

“Isn’t that supposed to be a fish?” said my quizzical grandson.

“Uh, ah, ye, um,” I stammered.

Thanks, Mother Nature! I look like an idiot in front of my grandchildren.

Oscar Hammerstein II blew off science class and then wrote the lyrics, “Fish got to swim, birds got to fly,” I’m with you, Oscar! I don’t want my world to have rodents that fly, birds that don’t, and mammals that never walk the earth. That is not a sane world. Mother Nature has proven herself to be nuts!

My only advice is to avoid explaining this anomaly to your grandchildren.

[Read Frank’s new book Confessions of a Wayward Catholic. Available on, kindle, Barnes and Noble, and at bookstores.]

The Hitler Freeze

What happens when a speaker talking to any size audience mentions three of the world’s worst mass murderers, Stalin from the Soviet Union, Mao from China and Hitler from Germany?

Stalin may have murdered upwards of 22 million people. At the mention of Stalin’s name, the people listen intently. At the mention of Mao and his slaughter of some 60 million people, people also listen intently.

And why not? These are horrible crimes of unimaginable scale.

At the mention Hitler and his murder of between 11 and 13 million people – six million of whom were Jews, what happens? People become silenter than silent. It’s hard to tell if people are even breathing.

The word “Hitler” freezes people solid. His name takes the air out of a room. People become transfixed.

What is it about Hitler that brings such a response? Is Hitler in some other category even though he committed fewer murders than Stalin and Mao’s? Or is it something else?

It’s something else.

If any European country, and that means the Western civilized world including the United States, Canada and Australia, can lay claim to being a brilliant one, it is certainly Germany. Germany was the epitome of culture and class in philosophy, science, art, engineering, music. Germany was indeed the brightest light among the lights of the intellectual world.

Russia and China were not in such a class. They were not Western. They were merely the other in the public’s mind; countries that stood outside of the advanced world; countries from which you might possibly expect wholesale slaughter.

How could Germany, now composed of chanting, goose stepping, militaristic concentration camp monsters, espousing their racial superiority and finally instituting the “final solution”—in short, the killing of all the Jews in the world—how could such people be such beasts? How could this great civilization become totally barbaric?

There are reasons. The underlying hate of despised groups can undermine whatever veneer of higher civilization a country might seemingly possess. Despised groups included the Jews, gays, gypsies, and the physically deformed, among others.

But there is another reason for horror. According to Tom Beck, “The Nazis were exporting their terror. With each successive victory that Germany had over other countries, the ‘final solution’ was instituted in those conquered countries. The Nazi killing machine spread across the continent and Hitler made it plain that his ideas would take over the world, as would his slaughter.”

According to Tom, “Those whom Stalin murdered were Soviets; those Mao murdered were Chinese. They did not have a ‘final solution’ for the rest of the world.”

So Hitler, the resplendent ruler of a civilized European country, was able to militarize them not just to fight wars, but to slaughter select groups no matter where those groups resided.

To top it off, the final view of the ‘final solution’ had the Allied soldiers discover the concentration camps and their moribund inhabitants. Our soldiers got to see the horrors Hitler perpetrated, and pictures of these starved men, women and children were shown to the world. In the words from the great horror movie Night of the Living Dead, “They’re coming to get you Barbara!” and, yes, for each one of the despised groups and those of us who would defend such groups, the Nazis were coming to get us.

As a kid I remember when my father had Jewish friends with tattoos on their arms. “What are those tattoos?” I asked him. He looked at me and shook his head, “I’ll tell you when you’re older.” He knew of the horror, as did his friends, and he was trying to spare me.

What my father tried to spare me from is exactly what freezes those hearing Hitler’s name. The Nazi terror is the real monster under all of our beds. It doesn’t just exist in one country; it builds concentration camps beyond its borders. That fact frightens adults and children. “The monster is coming to get you…”

[Buy Frank’s new book Confessions of a Wayward Catholic. Available on, kindle, Barnes and Noble, and at bookstores.]