Think Scobe

Teaching Grandchildren through Film

I am a firm believer that film can teach important lessons to kids and that’s

Pronounce the “VA” “DOA”

The Veterans Administration should be pronounced dead on arrival. The VA is a

The Hitler Freeze

What happens when a speaker talking to any size audience mentions three of the

I was Injured in Cape May

It happened on the 13th hole. Until that moment I was having one of my best

A Chanting We Will Go!

Those of you around in the late 1960s and early 1970s will remember the

I Have Some Questions

In the movies when a person wants to carry a gun without a holster, he puts the

The Top 10 Zombie Movies

Shaun of the Dead (2004): Simon Pegg (co-writer and star), Nick Frost, and

Hollywood: The Home of Hypocrites

  The Hollywood “elite” love to lecture us about morality and causes: “Wall

The All You Can’t Eat Buffet

  I was in one of the produce aisles at Best Yet in Franklin Square, lazily