Supergirl Defeats Superman? Are You Crazy?

I do not mind a little political correctness in my life. Heck, I always say my granddaughter is intelligent and beautiful (she is both) but I make sure the order is intelligent first and beautiful second. If she was stupid and ugly I don’t know what I’d say, maybe “You don’t look so bad for a beast.”

But I am now totally irritated by the television show Supergirl. I am a big superhero fan, I used to write for the comic books, but trampling on the obvious to give us the politically correct is an assault on common sense, nature and superhero lore.

Yes, Supergirl is politically correct in a Romeo and Juliet way. It’s all dangerous love liaisons defying convention (or at least the writers think so): Supergirl (whose Kryptonian name is Kara Zor-El) loves Mon-El an alien from the planet Daxam, a world that was at war for centuries with Supergirl’s now-destroyed home world of Krypton. Their love is a dangerous liaison as Mon-El’s vicious, murderous mother Rhea wants Supergirl dead in order to force Mon-El’s return to Daxam.

[You will note that the names of Supergirl, Kara Zor-El, and Mon-El use the “El” at the end. Superman is Kal-El. For those not too familiar with the bible’s book of Genesis, the word El is a synonym for the God created by the Canaanites but in Genesis it is used in the plural as Elohim. Considering the amazing powers these individuals have on Earth these names seem appropriate. Obviously, Jerry Siegel, the original creator of Superman, knew his scripture!]

But we have other cases of dangerous liaisons. J’onn J’onnz (pronounced John Jones) is a green Martian able to transform his body to look as if he were human. His love is for a white Martian, a member of the group that slaughtered almost all his fellow green Martians in a titanic war on Mars. Still J’onnz, who is the head of the DEO (Department of Extranormal Operations), can’t shake his dangerous love for white Martian M’gann M’orzz.

Winslow, the head computer geek, is in love with an alien nutcase. Cross species love can be a dangerous thing as his love tries to kill him several times before becoming somewhat tame.

The big dangerous liaison (in the writers’ minds) is between Supergirl’s adopted sister Alex Danvers, a DEO agent, and Maggie Sawyer, a detective. This lesbian relationship is a major shout-out for political correctness and it seems these two may get married in the upcoming season. I’ve got no problem with that at all even though a lot of time is wasted exploring their love when we’d like some more action. (The special effects are great in this show.)

But Supergirl went over the cliff in the season finale. She defeated Superman (Kal-El) in a pitched battle. How could that be?

Granted Supergirl can defeat just about all male and female superheroes and just about all villains – but defeating Superman? That’s idiotic.

Given a normal Kryptonian woman and a normal Kryptonian man, the man has greater muscle power, greater speed and is generally bigger and more agile. This tends to hold true on Earth with men and women as well.

Supergirl is no monstrous Hulk; she looks perfectly normal and in relation to Superman, she fits the woman to man ratio. Her strength and agility could not be as great as her cousin Superman. Just multiply by a thousand percent their Kryptonian bodies and the body that was stronger would still be stronger.

I will grant that in terms of their heat-vision and X-ray vision equality might be achieved but their super breath? Superman would win here as well.

Superman would defeat Supergirl in a fair fight and the fight in the finale was a fair fight. There is no question about that. So why did this politically correct show go over the edge in the season’s finale?

In the finale Superman becomes a kind of unneeded appendage; a pathetic figure in the background of the show. Why have him in at all? Why strip the first and greatest comic-book hero in order to worship at the altar of political correctness?

Writers can only push the envelope so far before it bursts. The season finale burst Supergirl big time.

[Read Frank Scoblete’s books I Am a Card Counter: Inside the World of Advantage-Play Blackjack, I Am a Dice Controller: Inside the World of Advantage-Play Craps and Confessions of a Wayward Catholic! All available from, on Kindle and electronic media, at Barnes and Noble, and at bookstores.]