Attacked by Satan: THE ROY MOORE STORY
Starring Kevin Spacey, Dustin Hoffman, Jeremy Piven and Ben Affleck
Produced by Harvey Weinstein
Executive Producer: Andrew Kreisberg
Directed by Bryan Singer and Brett Ratner
Screenplay by Roman Polanski and Woody Allen
Music conducted by James Levine
Photography by Terry Richardson and Anthony Weiner
Action Sequences by Steven Seagal
Rave Reviews!
You should lock yourself in your office and watch this movie with great care. — Matt Lauer, TV anchor
There is no spin in this movie except with the little girls that is. — Bill O’Reilly, TV anchor and author
This movie speaks to me. — Garrison Keillor, author and radio host
Roy Moore could teach us all a lesson in success! — Charlie Rose, TV anchor
They tried to destroy Roy Moore, just like they tried to destroy me. I can rise to the occasion even at eighty-eight years of age. — John Conyers, Congressman
I think this movie speaks to all of us who have been unglued by hits from women who want to chain us up and treat us like dogs, especially if we pay them to do that!” – Eliot Spitzer, former Governor of New York
This movie is no joke. Why the hell did I resign? — Al Franken, comedian and Senator
Make sure you have plenty of tissues…and those aren’t for crying! — Louis C.K., comedian
This is a literary masterpiece of a man misunderstood. —Leon Wieseltier, former editor of The Atlantic and New Republic
Really wish I had directed this film. It is a credit to everyone involved! — James Toback, director and writer
The Story of Roy Moore gives all of us food for thought. — John Besh, celebrity chef
This movie is not a joke. It is a masterpiece! — Bill Cosby, comedian
An astonishing job! — Michael Oreskes, vice-president Associated Press
A worthy addition to your movie library. — Mark Halperin, MSNBC contributor and author
David Cop-a-feel! Ha! Ha! I am jumping out of a plane next week. What are we talking about? — George H.W. Bush, former President of the United States
I did not have sex with all those women and I did not rape anyone or do anything wrong. I am just a warm person like Roy Moore! — Bill Clinton, former President of the United States
Roy Moore took my advice and grabbed them by the pussy. How can you not support a great guy like that? See the movie before the fake media destroys it. — Donald J. Trump, President of the United States
Frank’s latest books are Confessions of a Wayward Catholic; I Am a Dice Controller: Inside the World of Advantage-Play Craps, and I Am a Card Counter: Inside the World of Advantage-Play Blackjack. Available from, Kindle, Barnes and Noble, and at bookstores.