Is It Child Abuse?


Is it child abuse to tell children that there is a Santa Claus?

Is it child abuse to tell children there is a Tooth Fairy?

Is it child abuse to tell children there are ghosts?

Is it child abuse to circumcise a girl? (A clitorectomy removes the clitoris.)

Is it child abuse to force a child to be in classrooms with kids who make it difficult or almost impossible for the teacher to teach?

Is it child abuse to force a child into a school where violence occurs on a daily basis?

Is it child abuse to circumcise a boy?

Is it child abuse to spank a child for wrong-doing?

Is it child abuse to slap a child’s face for wrong-doing?

Is it child abuse to not get your child vaccinated?

Is it child abuse to not allow your child to ever see a doctor because you think God will cure him or her?

Is it child abuse not to allow a child to get a blood transfusion?

Is it child abuse to allow a child to read the Harry Potter books?

Is it child abuse to teach a child how to hunt?

Is it child abuse to pierce a child’s ears?

Is it child abuse to pierce a child’s nose?

Is it child abuse to take a child under 10 to an R-rated movie?

Is it child abuse to tell a child there is a devil?

Is it child abuse to tell a child there are angels?

Is it child abuse to teach a child that the earth is only a few thousand years old?

Is it child abuse to teach a child about evolution?

Is it child abuse to raise a child who spends more than four hours a day on the iPad?

Is it child abuse to raise a child who watches television more than six hours a day?

One thought on “Is It Child Abuse?”

  1. No on all of the above.

    I remember many, many years ago, there was a news article where a family of a religion who doesn’t allow Dr’s. visits because “God will cure my child” whose eleven year old child was a diabetic, wasn’t on any medication, caused the child’s death at age eleven. The parents were charged with, I think, child neglect. I don’t remember if the parents did jail time. In my opinion, the parents should have gotten life imprisonment.

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