One night I was driving onto Sunrise Highway in Freeport, New York, coming back from a South Shore Audubon meeting at the library, when I was blinded by a SUV with those new LED lights. I wanted to make a left hand turn onto Sunrise. I couldn’t see the road, I couldn’t see where I was to turn; I couldn’t see the street light above me. I could not see my dashboard. I was blinded.
“Can you see?” I said to my wife the Beautiful AP.
“This is horrible,” she said.
I stopped somewhere on Sunrise Highway before I even tried to see where I had to turn. The SUV passed me by and my vision returned.
“How can car manufacturers make such lights for their cars and SUVs?” asked my wife. “They will kill people.”
“Like cigarettes,” I said. “The car companies will pretend that these lights do not blind other drivers. That they are great for the environment while people smash up on the roads.”
She agreed. “They’ll pretend everything is just great with these lights.”
“Imagine being on a winding country road and being blinded by one of these cars?” I asked.
Lately more cars and SUVs are using those LED headlights. They are blinding as they approach you. The cars are bad enough but those SUVs are devastating on your eyes.
Are the two of us the only people who realize what danger these LED lights pose?
My wife and I can’t be the only ones now noticing how much more dangerous driving at night can be. The normal car lights do not blind you as they approach. You can clearly see the difference between the normal lights and the new LED lights. Even high beams on normal lights do not blind you.
Have accidents happened because of LED lights? I am guessing they have.
I think the time has come to outlaw such headlights on cars, SUVs and trucks.
Frank’s books are available on, Kindle, e-books, Barnes and Noble an at bookstores.
Agree with you, so I don’t do a lot of night driving.