I have now read one of the nuttiest decisions a court has ever made when it comes to a five-year-old child and his thieving mother.
You see, the mommy created her own two–person gang, that being her and junior, dedicated to robbery.
Alas, her gang was caught. She was arrested when she and junior stole $2,700 in goods from Bloomingdale’s.
According to the court, junior wore two stolen coats under his clothing plus a pair of really, really nice boots. Mom was convicted. Nothing happened to junior because he was just five.
So you figure the court would take the kid from her. Or make her take “honesty” classes. Nope! Kid stays with mom and…
The appellate court of New York ruled that the mother cannot have her career cut short by her thieving ways or by making her little boy part of her criminality and…
The court ruled she should be allowed to work in her chosen profession (take a deep breath, remain calm, because here “it” comes) – her chosen profession being child care. Yes, yes, yes, mommy dearest will continue to be allowed to care for children! That is her damn career – child care!
I can see it now. She could draft dozens of the little kids she cares for and form one of the biggest gangs in New York.
Child care? Child care? I’ll bet she doesn’t even work cheap.
[Read my new book Confessions of a Wayward Catholic! ]