Gambling Scobe

The Three Types of Blackjack Players

There are three types of blackjack players and sub-categories of these three. If

I Miss Them

Over 25 years ago I took up casino gambling. At the time, I was an actor (and

Slots vs. Table Games: No Contest!

Slot machines and table games are two very different things – and the casinos

Should You Place the 5 and 9 at Craps?

There’s been a lot of debate in craps circles about the placing of the 5 and 9,

The Faster the “Worster”

There are two factors that must be considered when analyzing the various casino

Genetic Roulette

Everything in life is a gamble. Whether it’s crossing the street, deciding what

Slot Machines Are Like a Box of Chocolates

Hijacking Mrs. Gump’s line (“Life is like a box of chocolates.”) from the movie

Why Slots Rule the Nation’s Casinos

There are only two states in the Union where there isn’t some form of gambling,

The Slot Machine Martingale

  His eyes were feverish; his hands trembling. “Oh, my lord!” he thought